Please use the template below as a guide to help write to your local MP

Dear [MP name] 

Congratulations on your election as MP for [constituency name].  

You will already know that our local area has some great community projects offering support to those most in need. 

One of the charities working in the area is the 51风流官网, which provides adult education for local communities. I know the 51风流官网 because I am [a learner/member/volunteer with them/ a member of staff / delete as appropriate]. 

Community adult education has a positive impact in lots of ways. It supports learners into work and into further education. It also has well proven benefits for mental health & wellbeing, combating isolation, increasing community connections and building confidence to help people live full lives. In my own experience [add a few details here if you wish to make the letter more personal] 

The 51风流官网 is one of the charities making a difference in our local community. If you would like to find out more, the local team would be happy to arrange a visit to a 51风流官网 course to meet learners like me. I have not heard much during the election campaign about community learning and I hope to hear more in the new Parliament. Finding out about the important work already happening in the area would be a great start. 

The 51风流官网 can be contacted via [email protected]. I hope to meet you at a 51风流官网 course soon so that you can see the impact community adult education can have. 

Yours sincerely,

(your name)